ワンダフルな授業 ~ALTと英語の授業~
2025年3月7日 08時00分本校のALTの先生が手作りでカードを制作し、英語の先生とティームティーチングで1年生の全学級で英語授業を行いました。まず、最初は英語の教科書を活用し、実際に役立つ英会話を学びました。その後、「GO FISH」というゲーム形式で、レストランやファストフード店での店員とお客さんの注文のやり取りを学ぶことができました。南中生はどの学級も大盛り上がり、英語を恐れることなく、どんどん自ら活用していこうと挑戦していました。
Our school's ALT teacher made the cards by hand and teamed up with the English teacher to conduct an English lesson for all first-year classes. First, the students used their English textbooks to learn practical English conversation. After that, they played a game called "GO FISH" to learn how customers and waiters take orders at restaurants and fast food restaurants. All the Hojominami Junior High students had a blast, unafraid of English and eager to put it to use on their own.
I felt that learning is motivating, and raising motivation leads to deeper learning for hojominami Junior High School students. I hope that they will continue to learn things that are fun and truly useful. Thank you to ALT teacher H for always providing such wonderful lessons. Both the students and teachers of Hojominami Junior High School are truly grateful.